Saturday, December 20, 2008

God, I don't wanna die.

Religion's a hot topic. I forgot to mention some of the many reasons we believe in heaven. The thought of dying is scary. Never being able to live ever again is frightening when you really think about it. Since you can't die and come back to life, we have no clue what on the other side. Some say heaven, a few say reincarnation, while others say rotting corpse. Which of these sound the best? I wouldn't mind living in heaven. If you die before you're loved ones, you can just wait up in the sky for the party to start. Being reincarnated is like a second life (but you don't remember the first so it's kinda sad). However, you get a second shot at life (the slate is wiped clean). The rotting corpse gig doesn't sound to appealing. We usually believe someones in a better place. This is to put our mind at rest. And when the clock known as your life is ticking down to its last second, does it hurt to think you'll be in a better place?

Thought of Heaven existing= peace of mind

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Well, you have to make a choice as to which path you feel will assure your entrance into heaven once you die. In the words of Savatage...."Believe." :)