Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Voice, your greatest possession

For those who know me, you know I'm strongly against censoring and nationalism (patriotism against outsiders, country is most important). For every issue, I provide my view:

Should God be taken out of the pledge of alligance?

I could care less what happens to the word "God". Notice that it is just a word. Just because you say it doesn't mean you're religious now. I believe the pledge shouldn't be required anywhere. Swearing yourself to your country when, in reality, you live in this world is foolish.

Should flag burning be banned?

The only reason it should be banned is because it is a fire hazard. Other than that, if it's your own flag you should be able to do what you want with it. Burning your flag without consequences means that freedom has been perserved.

What is free speech and far should it go?

Free speech is being able to express anything without a filter, censor, or consequence for expressing. It should stop short of hate speech because the only thing as important as liberty is having the equal opportunity to have that liberty. Hate speech can incite racism and spark violence just based off the color of skin or country of origin.

Should gays be allowed to marry?

Gay couples should have the same rights as straight couples when it comes to marriage and adopting kids. Married by the church is a different subject and the state can't do anything to change the church's position. I support human rights. Last time I checked, homosexuals are human.

I'd like to end with a quote from V for Vandetta: The people should not fear their government, their government should fear them.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Yup, Gays should be allowed to marry and I don't really care whether or not God is in the pledge of allegiance, not like we are going to say it since we are out of high school.

Did you watch Jon Stewart and Mike Huckerbee discuss the gay marriage issue on The Daily Show last night?