Tuesday, January 20, 2009


For the first time this year (2009), I have watched the Brave Little Toaster. I have seen this movie too many times. It is the movie I have seen the most in my life. Not many people have seen this movie, but for those who have when they were little can say that this little film has affected their life.

For those of you who have not seen it, go see it. You can find the whole movie on Myspace videos. One of the things that makes this movie so special is the music. David Newman, the composer admitted that the music for this movie reflects the movie itself, which has very dark undertones, especially for a Disney movie. The overall feeling is sad and dark but has a glimpse of hope. Five appliances going against the forces of nature and the stacked odds to find their master. The task seems impossible but you can't give up on them. You actually feel what they feel. Inanimate objects are giving human feelings that makes you question what makes us human. The theme of the movie is the need to be needed. To have a purpose. I think this is what the purpose of life is, to make a purpose.

You will have that warm toasty feeling or that glow when you get hooked by this masterpiece. Maybe even like your toaster, your lamp, your radio, your vacuum, or your electric blanket a little more after you have seen this movie. Like I said, if you saw it when you were little, it could have a profain effect on you. If not, you should see it. I don't think the movie is geared to kids exclusively. Definately not. I repeat, it gives you that Disney happiness but the darkness in this movie is anything but Disney. It's a sad movie with a happy ending. GO WATCH IT!

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